God's will is the-never-to-be predicted, never to be comprehended, and always coming to us with new demands (cf. Const, 1985, art. 3)
I am Sr. Jeannette Tumuju, I made my perpetual vows in 2013. Presently I am working in Joseph Yeemye Foundation - Branch Sulutteng.
First of all, we would like to say "Proficiat" to our creative CLT for the presence of the SJMJ website. Proud of you!
When asked to write my calling journey for the website, I was immediately reminded of the words in the previous Constitution art. 3 "God's will is the-never-to-be predicted, never to be comprehended, and always coming to us with new demands "
My vocation as a SJMJ sister was not smooth. I joined the Society of JMJ in 1988. After 10 years living as a religious, I encountered an inner struggle which I felt the only way out was leaving the convent. At that time I was in my 7th year as temporary professed sister. I finally decided to leave, leaving JMJ who had equipped me with values of life. I then continued my study at Pineleng Seminary since I did not finish my study at Kentungan Seminary -Yogyakarta. After I graduated I worked as an honorary teacher. When there was an opportunity to become a civil servant, I applied. I was accepted. I was placed in a public school in Sangihe Talaud Island, After one year, I was transferred to a State Senior High School in Manado. Then, I worked for a little while at the Office of the Ministry of Religion in Manado City, while at the same time I was teaching at SMA Rex Mundi Manado (a school owned by JMJ) and in Postulate of JMJ. During that time of journey, my mind was always disturbed when I saw JMJ sisters. I tried to test my heart, I got to know other congregations. However, my heart remained at JMJ, With extra courage, I wrote a letter to the Superior General in the Netherlands, may I be given a second chance to dedicate my life to JMJ. Praise God, I was accepted. In 2008 I was accepted back into the postulate for two weeks and moved to the Novitiate for 2-year formation, 3 years as contemporary professed and then I made my perpetual vows in 2013, the same year, my fellow-sisters in first batch, celebrated their silver jubilee as JMJ sister.
To carry out the Will of the Father which became the spirit of P. Wolff has been entrusted the Sisters of JMJ, included me. The Word of God to Jeremiah confirms this: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " As a limited human being, I try to find God's will in my life. The will of God appears in events and powerful inner voices which challenge my establishment. In the end, God's will was peace. I just came to understand why Fr. Wolff asked the JMJ Sisters to do God's will. Starting from my personal experience, following our own will makes us journey too far from the inner space which is the Temple of the God’s Spirit of God. In the end it also returned to God's design from the beginning. Stay as SJMJ!
Sr. Jeannette Tumuju – Community of St. Joseph Manado